A Criminal History Fit to Put Lindsay Lohan in Jail
Even prior to her February 9th, 2011 arrest for the alleged theft of jewelry, actress Lindsay Lohan has found herself in a variety of compromising legal situations; in conjunction with a number of criminal charges aimed at Lohan – ranging from driving while intoxicated to the possession of narcotics. The following is a profile of additional crimes charged to Lohan almost resulting in the placement of Lindsay Lohan in Jail:
May 2007
Subsequent to a drunk-driving arrest, the arresting officers find cocaine in the possession of Lindsay Lohan
July 2007
Lindsay Lohan satisfies the required substance abuse counseling mandated by the court in the ‘Promises’ rehabilitation center – the conditions of her release require that she wear a monitoring bracelet regulating the consumption of drugs or alcohol
Late-July 2007
Lindsay Lohan is arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol only a mere 10 days after her completion of her rehabilitation program – upon her arrest, the arresting officers discover cocaine in her possession
August 2007
Prior to an impending trial and the possibility of the placement of Lindsay Lohan in jail, a judge allows Lindsay Lohan to attend another rehabilitation facility in Utah, which is called ‘Cirque Lodge’
November 2007
The hearing for Lindsay Lohan’s drunk-driving and drug possession charges takes place in Los Angeles, California – the judge orders a ruling placing Lindsay Lohan in jail for 24-hours, 10 days of court-ordered community service, court-ordered probation for 3-years’ time, and the mandatory wearing of an alcohol and substance monitoring system
Late-November 2007
Due to overcrowding in the Los Angeles County prison, all non-violent offenders are allowed relocation or conditional release – in conjunction with the verdict, upwards of 80 minutes were considered to amount to the time spent by Lindsay Lohan in jail
January 2008
While in attendance at a private function hosted by 22-year old socialite Masha Markova, Markova’s prized fur coat was discovered to have gone missing; the fur coat was valued at an estimated $11,000. Markova, along with many of her guests, had suspected Lindsay Lohan to be the perpetrator of this theft; days later, the fur coat was returned anonymously to Markova – charges were never filed.
June 2009
While participating in photography shoot for the cover of ‘Elle UK’, one of the United Kingdom’s most prominent fashion magazines, Lindsay Lohan was allowed the opportunity to wear almost $400k worth of jewelry from fashion designer Christian Dior. After the shoot, the set director had noticed that two diamond earrings worn by Lindsay Lohan had gone missing; rumors and allegations alleging that Lindsay Lohan was responsible for this left were set forth, but Lindsay Lohan was never formally charged
May 2010
Upon a mandatory bench warrant set forth by the Los Angeles County Court with regard to the review Lindsay Lohan’s past criminal convictions, Lohan’s presence was required in the hearing; however, at the time of the hearing, Lindsay Lohan was not present – investigations revealed that Lindsay Lohan was in Cannes, France at the Internationally-renowned film festival:
Reports and rumors expressing that Lindsay Lohan was indulging in alcohol and parties began to surface; upon question by the court as to why she had failed to report to her hearing, Lohan alleged that her passport had been stolen and she was unable to board a flight back to California
Upon her failure to appear before the court, an arrest warrant was set forth that would mandate the placement of Lindsay Lohan in jail; however, she obtained a temporary passport – and upon her return to California – she posted $100k bond in lieu of incarceration
At her second trial resulting from the bench warrant issued by the Los Angeles Court, Lindsay Lohan was mandated by the court to wear an alcohol monitoring device regulating her consumption of alcohol; the Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (SCRAM) alerts authorities if any trace of alcohol appears in the wearers bodily system
June 2010
While at a party following the ‘MTV Movie Awards’, Lindsay Lohan’s SCRAM monitor was triggered and she was subsequently issued an additional bench warrant for arrest by the court; although this warrant would have placed Lindsay Lohan in jail, she furnished a $200k bond in order to avoid incarceration.
July 2010
Upon her appearance before Judge Marsha Revel and the Los Angeles Superior Court, Lohan is mandated to attend a rehabilitation facility.
September 2010
Lindsay Lohan fails a drug test and is ordered to attend another rehabilitation facility until the close of October 2010