A Summary of the Events Leading Up to the Jennifer Jason Leigh Divorce
In 2010, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Noah Baumbach filed for divorce, to which was referred as ‘The Jennifer Jason Leigh Divorce’ in the news media; as a result of their celebrity status, the couple refrained from releasing the possible catalysts for the undertaking of the divorce process within the State of California – although media sources has speculated reasons as to why the Jennifer Jason Leigh divorce took place, none have since been substantiated:
Jennifer Jason Leigh, the 48-year old actress, married director Noah Baumbach in 2005; the couple is reported to have met while Jennifer Jason Leigh was starring in a Broadway show in 2001 – subsequent to maintaining contact, the couple wed shortly before the release of Noach Baumbach’s movie ‘The Squiod and the Whale’
The Jennifer Jason Leigh divorce took place only 7-months following the birth of the couple’s first – and only child – Rohmer
The Jennifer Jason Leigh Divorce in the State of California
The divorce laws applicable to the State of California undertake the following stipulations with regard to filing for divorce. In the case of the Jennifer Jason Leigh Divorce, the probability of the enactment of a prenuptial agreement is quite high; as per a large part of celebrity marriages taking place subsequent to one or both of the couples reaching a certain point of celebrity – these types of agreements are commonly undertaken. However, regardless of any or all expressed agreements existing in tandem with the divorce proceedings taking place within the Jennifer Jason Leigh Divorce, the couple will be required to adhere to the following parameters with regard to the dissolution of marriage:
The Determination of Fault
With regard to the Jennifer Jason Leigh divorce, few reports have been released with regard to the determination of fault within the Jennifer Jason Leigh divorce settlement; the only morsel of information that has been offered by both Noah Baumbach and Jennifer Jason Leigh are irreconcilable differences.
The Prenuptial Agreement in the Jennifer Jason Leigh Divorce
While the substantiation of a prenuptial agreement was never made public, Jennifer Jason Leigh is reported to have requested spousal support from Baumbach in the form of alimony; this act caused speculation with regard to the presence of a prenuptial agreement. A prenuptial agreement is a formulated agreement furnished by one or both partners of a marriage that serves as a preemptive, preventative measure with regard to the prospect of the dissolution of the marriage taking place; with regard to the divorce laws enacted within the State of California, a ‘no-fault’ divorce taking place will result in the even split of ‘community property’ – this is defined as any assets that were attained subsequent to the marriage.
Custody and Children in the Jennifer Jason Leigh Divorce
Jennifer Jason Leigh is reported to have petitioned for primary custody of the couple’s child, Rhomer; within the Jennifer Jason Leigh divorce settlement, Jennifer Jason Leigh expressed that Noah Baumbach would be permitted to visit with the couple’s child.
Jennifer Jason Leigh Divorce Waiting Period
The State of California requires a 6-month long waiting period subsequent to the submission of the divorce petition. Within this time, a variety of options are available to the couples facing divorce, which range from possible reconciliation to separation, however, as of 2010, the Jennifer Jason Leigh divorce was finalized, which allows both individuals to remarry if they so choose.